The Million Hours Fund

The Million Hours Fund is an exciting initiative, which will appeal to individuals interested in giving as part of a select group of other philanthropists seeking to make a large and measurable difference. It supports some of our most innovative work, helping VSO to unlock the power of national and local volunteers – helping them to be agents of change in their own communities

If you are interested in engaging in giving alongside others, then the Million Hours Fund is something we think you should know about.

The Fund seeks to harness the generosity of donors like you, by collectively investing in a range of national volunteering projects – a growing area of our work that enables local volunteers to fight poverty in their own communities.

By supporting the Fund, you will have a chance to make a bigger collective impact on the lives of poor people, as well encouraging innovation and building a body of evidence to influence other donors and policy makers.

To find out how you can be part of this Fund, please contact the Private Philanthropy Team on 020 8780 7242

The Fund seeks to harness the generosity of donors like you, by collectively investing in a range of national volunteering projects – a growing area of our work that enables local volunteers to fight poverty in their own communities.

By supporting the Million Hours Fund, you will have a chance to make a bigger collective impact on the lives of poor people, as well encouraging innovation and building a body of evidence to influence other donors and policy makers.

To find out how to join the Million Hours Fund, please contact the Private Philanthropy Team on 020 8780 7412 or Jane Quayle  or Lydia Raw on 020 8780 7592.