VSO and the UK Parliament

VSO brings people together around the world to fight poverty. And across the UK, we’re working closely with Parliamentarians from all parties to support development efforts and implement policies that tackle the causes of poverty.

For over 50 years, VSO has been working to tackling poverty and helping to build the capacity of individuals, communities and organisation through our volunteers. Our unique approach to development means we don’t send money or food but instead we place professional and skilled volunteers with partners, from grassroots groups to government ministries, to build local capacity. Our volunteers share their knowledge and skills to support long-term improvements and create lasting change.

Since 2005, VSO UK has run a Parliamentary volunteering scheme, sending MPs and Peers on short term, high impact placements. These are designed to utilise their professional and parliamentary experience to build the capacity of our projects and to facilitate high level advocacy on their behalfFind out more about Parliamentary volunteering

Contact the Parliamentary Relations team

MPs, Peers, MSPs and members of the Welsh and Northern Ireland assemblies can find out more information on VSO’s work and current development issues simply by contacting our Parliamentary Relations team at [email protected] or call 020 8780 7500

Women in Power reports

Women in Power: beyond access to influence in a post-2015 world:
4 page summary (Feb 2014)
Full report (Feb 2014).