The difference gifts in Wills make

On this page you’ll find out about some of the amazing transformations that poor communities have experienced thanks to the generosity of supporters.


How gifts left in Wills are helping to deliver life today

Before a Neonatal Care Unit arrived at Nigist Eleni Hospital in Ethiopia, poorly babies simply didn’t get the intensive care and attention they needed to survive. Babies were cared for in the main paediatric ward and many died from treatable conditions that could have been prevented by low cost technology and training. VSO volunteers stepped in, and not only set up a unit for babies that needed special care, but also trained hospital workers on how best to care for these babies. Nigist Eleni has since had a 73% reduction in neonatal deaths, with mothers being able to take their healthy babies home.

How gifts in Wills are helping children get a better start

In Rwanda it’s hard to be heard as a child at school. With 80 children per classroom, many children only receive four hours of education per day, with teachers taking it in turns to teach smaller groups. These hours would generally involve a “chalk and talk” method.

VSO volunteers have been helping train teachers in more interactive learner-centred teaching.

One teacher who was trained by Mike, a VSO volunteer said “Now when I want to teach children about plants, I’ll take them outside and show them the real plants. The children are happy and enjoy lessons now.”

More engaging lessons mean that children are more likely to stay in school – and become equipped with the skills they need to break out of poverty.

It’s easy to leave a gift in your Will to VSO and any gift you do leave will make a huge differences to poor communities worldwide.

Contact us


To find out more please contact Nicola
Phone: 020 8780 7523
Email: [email protected]
Post: Nicola Fickling, VSO, 100 London Road, Kingston, KT2 6QJ