Our promise to you

If you are considering remembering VSO in your Will, you will expect us to make the best use of your gift to fight poverty. This is why we make the following promise to you.

  1. We understand that your family and loved ones come first. We are very grateful for any gift you may choose to leave VSO.
  2. We will always respect your privacy.  We appreciate that your Will is personal to you.
  3. You don’t have to tell us if you’ve chosen to leave a gift to VSO, but if you do, we will give you the choice about how we talk to you in the future about our work fighting poverty.
  4. We recognise that choosing to remember VSO in your Will is your decision, which you need to make in your own time. We won’t put you under any pressure.
  5. We will always use your gift carefully and cost effectively, so that it can have the greatest impact for communities worldwide.
  6. At any time in future, you can change your mind about leaving a gift in your Will to VSO.
  7. If you or your family would like to know what gifts like yours help us to achieve, we will be happy to help you.

Contact us

We are always here. If there is anything you want to know about leaving a gift in your Will, or the communities you are helping to support, please contact Nicola.


Phone: 020 8780 7523
Email: [email protected]
Post: Nicola Fickling, VSO, 100 London Road, Kingston, KT2 6QJ