Lonely Planet

Purchase your travel guide through the link below and Lonely Planet will donate 15%of the purchase price to VSO.


Lonely Planet is the world’s leading travel publisher and has been creating travel books for over 30 years. Today they publish more than 650 titles in eight languages that provide maps, health and safety advice as well as information on local customs, religion and history. Lonely Planet guides can be used to inspire, plan and prepare for any trip, and they have something for everyone:

  • Country Guides: a one-stop shop for travellers roaming a country in its entirety
  • Regional Guides: in-depth coverage for travellers exploring a group of neighbouring countries
  • Shoestring Guides: written for travellers on a budget
  • Language Guides

Lonely Planet has travel guides covering every country that VSO sends volunteers. Visit the Lonely Planet site through this link and 15% of any purchase you make will go towards our programme work in some of the world’s poorest countries.