Donate in celebration

Make your special occasion, for example, wedding or birthday, mean even more, by asking your friends and family to mark the occasions by donating a gift to VSO.


This means that while you’re celebrating, you’ll be safe in the knowledge that your event will be helping some of the poorest people and communities lift themselves out of poverty. And you’ll agree that’s a great way to remember your special day.

For example, Dr Paul Williams, working in Bwindi Community Hospital has been able to reduce the risk of a mother passing the HIV virus to her unborn child from 50% to just 1%. In 2008, the hospital saved the lives of 52 babies; that’s one baby a week.

It’s really simple, all you need to do is to set up a JustGiving online fundraising page, go to and follow the instructions and then share your page. What better way to celebrate!