Post-2015 advocacy

​As we move towards a world beyond the Millenium Development Goals, a global conversation is taking place to establish what the world should look like by 2030


The United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were agreed at the Millennium Summit in September 2000 by the leaders of 189 countries. The MDGs represent a historic global consensus on eradicating poverty, and for nearly 15 years they have set the agenda of international development cooperation, focusing the efforts of governments, NGOs and individuals around eight ambitious goals.

A global conversation is taking place to establish what the world should look like by 2030. Attention has turned to deciding on a global framework for the Post-2015 agenda, or Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which will guide the work of governments, NGOs and individuals for years to come.

VSO has been involved in conversations and consultative processes on the Post-2015 agenda since the process began (see a timeline of key events). Our post-2015 advocacy work is grounded in the knowledge and experience of our volunteers and partners, and we are working to ensure that their voices are heard at the highest level.

Through our work with other partners, we are also lending our experience and evidence to ensure that the framework addresses the issues of quality education and inclusive healthcare.

We are calling for a development framework that:

  1. Increases women’s power over the decisions and processes that affect them, (see our Women in Power campaign)
  2. Recognises and supports the unique contribution that volunteers and volunteer groups make to sustainable development.

VSO documents

  • Women in Power: full report and four-page summary
  • Volunteerism and the Post-2015 agenda: full report and two-page summary
  • Measuring progress on women’s participation and influence in decision-making in the SDGs: Recommendations to the Inter-agency and Expert Group and UN Member States (PDF)

External resources

  • Beyond 2015 response to the ‘final draft of the Post-2015 Development Agenda outcome document’ (July 2015)
  • Lima Declaration signed at IVCO 2014 (October 2014)
  • ‘Zero Draft’ of the Focus Areas agreed by the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (June 2014)
  • Report of the High Level Panel (May 2013)
  • UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform

Our partners