
VSO Mozambique’s strategy focuses on education, HIV and AIDS, secure livelihoods and national volunteering.

Population 24 000 000
Capital city Maputo
GDP per capita US$929
HDI ranking 184 out of 187
Life expectancy 50 years

Mozambique is one of the world’s poorest countries, despite encouraging development efforts made in recent years. Poverty is greatest in rural areas, where 95% of the population is dependent on agriculture. More than 80% of poor households live in rural areas; and the vast majority still lives on less than US$1 a day, and lacks basic services such as access to schools, health facilities, and clean water.

Farming and fishing are their main source of food and income, but productivity is very low. Therefore, the rural population survives at the subsistence level. Women are particularly disadvantaged, with less access to education and fewer skills. Healthcare is inadequate and the number of women who die in childbirth is high. Rural communities are also extremely vulnerable to droughts and floods, particularly in the southern and central areas.


We work in collaboration with the Government and local partner organisations on strategies to help strengthen the capacity of educational institutions. We work to encourage retention of female teacher trainees; boost morale and motivate teachers; and encourage national HIV and AIDS awareness training for teachers and school children.


Owing to the fact that 15% of the adult population is living with HIV and AIDS, VSO volunteers are working in number key areas to:

  • strengthen capacity of agencies, to provide better services to people living with HIV and AIDS
  • improve awareness of prevention, care and treatment opportunities
  • promote advocacy for the right of people infected and affected by HIV and AIDS.

Secure livelihoods

VSO volunteers work with community-based organizations and rural households to help strengthen capacity for agricultural production and rural development. The aim is to address the problems of food shortages and rural poverty by improving the skills of individuals and groups to increase income from agricultural production.

National volunteering

VSO Mozambique worked with national and international agencies to support the creation of a National Volunteer Council, and played an important role in preparation of a volunteer legislation, which is currently pending passage by the Parliament. In the meantime, VSO has identified key partners and stands ready to support them in management and implementation of the national volunteer programme.

Contact us

Get intouch with VSO Mozambique at:
Caixa Postal 902, Maputo, Mozambique

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By volunteering abroad with VSO you get to put your skills, energy and personal qualities to work helping people break out of poverty. Interested in volunteering abroad?

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