Multilateral partners

VSO works closely with a number of multilateral organisations worldwide, at programme as well as policy and advocacy level. We share expertise, run volunteering partnerships and receive financial support.

European Union

Since 2000, VSO has received support from the European Union (EU) for grants in countries including Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Kenya, Zambia and Cambodia. We also helped deliver a pilot of the EU Aid Volunteers humanitarian aid project.

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Since the early 2000s VSO has been working with UNICEF to promote inclusive education in a number of countries including Cambodia, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Papua New GuineaRwandaUganda and Malawi.

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World Bank

VSO has worked with the World Bank in countries including Mongolia, Papua New Guinea and The Gambia. Partner projects include those which promote sustainable agribusiness, in line with our programmatic work on securing food and income sources.

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